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Thursday, 22 March 2012

Friday, 10 February 2012

Government must respect the rights of natives

(Sources:SAPP Official Web)

By Peter Marajin

KOTA KINABALU, 9 Feb 2012: It is the non-fulfillment of the SFMLA that has jeopardized the natives living in the FMU area.

Refer to newspaper article by Tan Sri which appeared in the daily Express on 05/02/2012 entitled "Upholding recognition of native lands".

In 1997, the state government announced its new policy on sustainable forest management and the adoption of Forest Management Units as the working blocks for the management of its forest, a bold step for a workable definition of SFM and action strategy to achieving it. A strong and continue political commitment at the highest level is indispensable for sustainable forest management to succeed.

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