SIPITANG 11-09-2011: Leaders of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) celebrated the state level Hari Raya open house this year in Sipitang today (Sunday) held at Sabah Forest Industries-SFI Motel attended by about thousand people.
Tuan Haji Amdee Sidik the Chairman organizing committee who is also the State Southern Zone Chairman and the Deputy President of SAPP highlighted that there should be no compromise where history of the nation and specifically the history of Sabah is concerned.
History of Sabah especially in the formation of Malaysia has captured the headlines in recent weeks.
Tuan Haji Amdee is of the opinion historical records in our archives are the best source of understanding our past better.
"The director of the state - Datuk Tiga Belas archive is the appropriate authority to determine history without embellishing it. Creative history is often used to serve a greater purpose such as forging unity amongst the people of one nation.
"However, over-stretching creative history may deny others of their place in history and took their sensitivities for granted.
"This may lead discrimination and disenfranchisement of the identity, tradition, and culture and undermine the system of values in the segments of societies. As the result, instead of forging unity, it creates cleavages amongst the people.
Understanding history is never a futile exercise or a waste of time, according to Tuan Haji Amdee.
"Those who deny their history, deny their future and who are we to deny our children from their own future", he asked.
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