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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

PM Najib Razak: Showcase Kaamatan and Gawai

Tuesday May 31, 2011 (Sources:TheStar News)

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the Kaamatan and Gawai Dayak festivals celebrated by ethnic communities in Sabah and Sarawak this week served as an opportunity for Malaysians to showcase the country's cultural and ethnic diversity to the world.

The Prime Minister expressed hope that Malaysians living in Borneo would share their rich culture with pride, including with fellow Malaysians from the peninsula.

Najib said Peninsular Malaysians should take the opportunity to learn more about the country's cultural heritage.

“We shouldn't forsake our age-old traditions that bind us as one race, as we strive to transform Malaysia into a developed nation of high income.

“It all starts with our homeland, the need for us to appreciate our rich cultural heritage,” Najib wrote in a posting on his blog yesterday.

He described the Kaamatan and Gawai Dayak festivals as unique, as no other place in the world celebrated the events.

Najib wished them Kotobian tadau tagazo do Kaamatan and Selamat Hari Gawai gayu guru gerai nyaman, hoping that they would be blessed with long life, health and prosperity.

Read more from PM's 1Malaysia blog >>

Kotobian tadau do kaamatan dari Sabah

Monday, 30 May 2011

Adat istiadat tidak dihormati

Oleh Stephan Gaimin (Mei 30, 2011)
(Sources:SAPP official website)

"Pesta Menuai atau Pesta Kaamatan merupakan kemuncak bagi pemartabatan warisan budaya sukukaum Kadazandusun, yang mana diraikan pada setiap 30 dan 31 Mei setiap tahun.

Dalam perayaan ini, berbagai acara menarik dan juga budaya kaum Kadazandusun yang ditonjolkan dan dipamerkan. Antara lain acara yang biasanya menjadi tarikan dalam Perayaan Pesta Kaamatan ialah "Unduk Ngadau" Kaamatan yang mempamerkan pakaian tradisi mengikut etnik.

Dari segi sejarah Pesta Kaamatan yang kita rayakan ini telah diluluskan oleh Majlis Undangan Kerajaan Koloni sebagai Cuti Umum sejak tahun 1960 lagi pada setiap 30hb-31hb,Mei setiap tahun. Individu yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengusulkan agar Pesta Kaamatan ini diisytiharkan sebagai Cuti Umum ialah Allahyaraham YAB Tun Haji Mohamad Fuad Stephens mantan Ketua Menteri Sabah yang pertama. Oleh yang demikian, kita sebagai rakyat Kadazandusun seharusnya berasa bangga dengan perjuangan pemimpin kita yang terdahulu kerana bermati-matian mempertahankan Pesta Kamaatan sehingga ia diiktiraf sebagai cuti umum di negeri Sabah.

Saya merupakan antara hadirin yang hadir dalam Pesta Kamaatan anjuran Parti DAP di Putera Theater Ballroom Taman Tun Fuad, Bukit Padang. Namun demikian saya terkilan dimana, Sebagai seorang anak jati Kadazandusun saya berasa amat malu dan terhina apabila adat istiadat dan kebudayaan saya tidak dihormati. Saya tidak dapat merasai bahang Pesta Kamaatan tetapi apa yang saya lihat adalah Acara Makan Malam bersama Penasihat Parti DAP Encik Lim Kit Siang. Menambah jijiknya lagi kebanyakan ucapan dibuat dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Mandarin.

Melihat kepada keadaan ini saya berasa perayaan Pesta Kamaatan telah hilang nilainya, saya berikan satu contoh, tidak pernah Unduk Ngadau diadili dengan cara mengundi, dimana kupon dijual dengan harga RM5. Penganjuran ini tidak lebih seperti melepaskan batuk ditangga. Pemimpin DAP seperti Edwin Bosi sememangnya telah tahu tentang kesucian lagenda huminodun, melalui ucapan beliau. Tetapi mengapa beliau tidak melakukan sesuatu untuk memperbetulkan apa yang salah.

Politik adalah politik, perayaan adalah perayaan, oleh yang demikian saya mohon kepada Pemimpin daripada luar sabah, yang tidak tahu adat budaya orang sabah, tolong Jangan bawa budaya politik daripada luar. Kami orang sabah, biar berlainan fahaman politik, tetapi dalam masa perayaan kami tidak ada persengketaan".

Stephan Gaimin ialah seorang Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP)

Three Unduk Ngadau aspirants win subsidiary titles

by Mariah Doksil. Posted on May 30, 2011, Monday


Shirly Arichat (front second right) with Bo Tiza Arthur S. Disimon (front second left) and Gurjit Gonsilau (right). At left is reigning Unduk Ngadau queen Crystel Eve Huminodun M. Majinbon.

PENAMPANG: The winners of three subsidiary titles in the State Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan were announced during the heat at Hongkod Koisaan last night.

They are Bo Tiza Arthur s. Disimon from Penampang (Miss Natural Beauty), Shirly Arichat Enggoh from Kuala Penyu (Miss Friendly) and Gurjit Gonsilau from Putatan (Miss Pink).

Both Miss Friendly and Miss Natural Beauty are subsidiary titles accorded to the Unduk Ngadau participants who are quietly observed by the organizing committee as soon as they register for the contest.

The committee judged the participants based on observations and made a collective decision on who they think deserves the titles.

Bo and Shirly received a crown, a sash and a bouquet of flower from Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin’s wife Puan Sri Genevieve Kitingan.

Meanwhile, Miss Pink will be an ambassador of Kota Kinabalu Pink Ribbon, the beneficiary of a donation from last night’s Sodop Unduk Ngadau.

All the 40 State Unduk Ngadau contestants will be parading today on an open stage at Hongkod Koisaan, during which 15 of them will be chosen for the final tomorrow.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Taakanon koubasanan Kadazan Dusun kiitangazan montok posondioon: Pairin

Pairin (vanan), Maraat (koduvo mantad vanan) om Tracey (tanga)
 minonginam taakanon koubasanan Mogiigizon Kadazan Dusun Murut i pinosuung, id lamai dino.

29th May, 2011 (Sources:Newsabahtimes)

KENINGAU: Taakanon koubasanan mogisusuvai tinau id pogun diti hoohobi no kozo mogiigizon Kadazan Dusun kitangazan montok posondiion, ka di Kumoduvo Vozoon Montili Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

Minoboos isido, iti saasabap no do taakanon koubasanan toi ko nansakan tuhun kampung kivaa loso soosondi nga kakal okuang popobuu i maganu kosivatan popisondii nansakan koubasanan kinoizonon id lahan totuhid montok posuungon id restaurant ngavi toi ko hotel.

“Nung mongoi tokou id kampung ngavi, ogumu okito tokou taakanon kavo diti om mononoodo dino nopo nga mantad tuhun ngavi guuguhu i pointantu no do ogumu toihaan. Miaga do pomitanan dino, taakanon koubasanan nonsom sada, tuhau, soko, loun mundok, homiding om ogumu po di suvi.

“Saviavi kohombusan diti au po noukab poimponu dino kumaa nazatan mintingisan om nung uangan, pointantu no do kaanu manaak hoogo koposondiaan om guhi di togumu,” ka disido.

Minoboos isido dino ontok pinopoimagon do kalamazan Taakanon om Unduk Ngadau Keningau Mall 2011 kopiondot lamai kaamatan om Kopomuuvan Koponuhungan Tuhun Au Kadansaan (OKU) naazu miampai Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Boogizan Sook, Keningau Mall om Kounsol Uvang Keningau, id Keningau Mall, di koniab .

Nokotindapou nogi Huguan Boogizan PBS Soo, Datuk Bernard S Maraat om sanganu do Keningau Mall, Tracey Liew.

Pairin i nogi Montili Kotundaan Kouhanan otumbazaan, nansakan koubasanan i babaino kaanangan saviavi mogiigizon mositi do pointutunon okon nopo ontok timpu kalamazan nga nositi posuungon id restoran ngavi om hotel tu ino kaanu mamagazat kaanangan tutumombuhui kumaa pogun diti.

“Kalamazan kaamatan pinopokito katabazan dotokou montok tuutulus momogompi om popoguhi vagu asil toihaan koubasanan, kaampai no nansakan koubasanan mooi au opunso oduanan timpu.

“Otumbazaan zou nansakan koubasanan mogiigizon poinsandad id pogun diti aanu popoinsavat gisom id nazatan di hobi kinavas om adadi pini taakanon kopoguhu id restoran toi ko htel ngavi id pogun diti,” ka disido.

Minoboos i Pairin, miampai kivaa pongkimamaan potihombus montok popointutun nansakan koubasanan id pogun diti, pointantu no do kaanu monongkiahi miampai nansakan suvai i tuutulus dino adadi pihi taakanon poimbida i adadi kointutunan mogiigizon Malaysia.

“Lati dino id nombo nopo tokou, id Sarawak po toi ko id Semenanjung, kaanu tokou momoloso nansakan dotokou id tampat ngavi dino,” ka disido.

Kokomoi miampai kobuuon id Keningau, minoboos isido, Keningau babaino nakahaang no kumaa timpu kotundaan kobobo id siibo kopolint aan Barisan Nasional (BN).

Ka disido, vookon kotundaan i aanu mongintong babaino diti nopo nga kapanadaan louting Hongkod Kinuama Hongon Sabah, louting Kounsol Kakadazan Keningau om kapanadaan talun alun duvo pamanaan mantad Hamin Pongusapan Keningau gisom kumaa Kampung Bukiau.

“Kouhanan ngavi dino nopo nga asil kosianan kopolintaan montok tuutulus mamadadi uvang diti di poimbubuu id boogizan sokid.

“Au nodii ahaid, kampus Univositi Teknologi Mara (UiTM0 todoon id uvang Sook om timpu di miaga diti nogi iso vagu sikul takavas agama kivaa asrama penuh tuidongon id Kampung Mempakit Laut,” ka disido.

Minoboos nogi i Pairin, ino pinopokito pilotian kopolintaan id suang popobuu pomitanan tuhun id lahan totuhid mzaa kotundaan balajalan.

“Saviavi projik ngavi kitanda tagaso i noboos ku diti vookon no mantad pomitanan asil pongkimamaan kopolintaan popobuu uvang sokid om Keningau hoohobi no kozo sabaagi hongkod balajalan id siibo palan Koridor Kotundaan Sabah (SDC) om otumbazaan zou nung layat tuutulus monokodung pongkimamaan kopolintaan diti, Keningau adadi vookon uvang di poimbubuu id pogun diti.

"Bosou Tuhau om Lombiding"
(A song about the traditional Kadazandusun foods. A song dedicated to all Sabahans in Sabah, peninsula Msia or abroad! Enjoy!)

Unsur istimewa Pesta Kaamatan

29th May, 2011 (Sources:Newsabahtimes)

PESTA Kaamatan atau pesta menuai dirayakan setiap tahun di Sabah oleh suku kaum Kadazandusun dan Murut. Unsur budaya yang istimewa ini telah diberi pengiktirafan rasmi pada tahun 1960 dan sehingga kini ia terus menjadi salah satu perayaan utama di Sabah, dibiayai oleh kerajaan.

Kumpulan-kumpulan etnik Kadazandusun terbahagi kepada tiga keluarga linguistik utama iaitu Dusun, Paitan dan Murut. Kesemuanya terdapat 30 kumpulan sub-etnik yang menghasilkan padi sebagai makanan utama dan dengan itu merayakan pesta Kaamatan. Kumpulan keluarga Dusun adalah termasuk suku kaum Kadazandusun dari daerah Penampang, Ranau, Tambunan, sebahagian daripada Keningau, Papar, Membakut dan Dusun Tindal di Kota Belud, Rungus, Tobilung, Kimaragang, Tatana, Bisaya, Kwijau, Lotud dan Kadazandusun Pantai Timur (Labuk). Manakala kumpulan keluarga Murut adalah Tahol, Timugon, Paluan Okolod, Kalabakan serta beberapa sub-etnik yang lain. Sementara kumpulan keluarga Paitan adalah terdiri daripada Orang Sungai di Ulu Kinabatangan, Tombonuo, Abai Sungai dan Lobu.

Setiap sub-etnik mempunyai nama panggilannya tersendiri bagi perayaan Pesta Kaamatan. Sub-etnik Rungus menamakannya sebagai moginakan,Kadazandusun yang lain menamakannya sebagai Kokotuon,Kaamatan atau Moginakan. Manakala, kumpulan Murut Timogun menamakannya Orou napangan nanantab.

Kumpulan masyarakat bumiputra yang disebut di atas pada asasnya adalah petani yang menanam padi huma dan padi sawah, menduduki kawasan datar di utara da pantai barat serta kawasan sekitar gunung Kinabalu. Sementara sub-etnik Orang Sungai pula menduduki kawasan datar di pantai timur.

Kumpulan etnik Dusun berkongsi sistem kepercayaan masing-masing. Kumpulan etnik Murut serta kawasan perbatasan dengan Sarawak dan Kalimantan. Pada masa yang lalu kumpulan ini terpencil dengan cara hidup yang berkelana, bertani secara berpindah-randah dan memburu. Sistem kepercayaan animisme Kadazandusun berpusat kepada padi sebagai makanan utama mereka dan ritual bagi memelihara keseimbangan dan keharmonian antara manusia dan keadaan alam sekitar untuk memberi keberhasilan penanaman dan penuaian padi. Padi merupakan sumber penting menggambarkan status dan kekayaan masyarakat tradisi. Walaupun proses pemodenan dan pertukaran kepada kepercayaan lain telah menghakis kebanyakkan adat resam, budaya yang diteruskan itu adalah menajadi unsur identiti masyarakat Kadazandusun.

Sejak zaman-berzaman Kaamatan telah dirayakan oleh setiap keluarga Kadazandusun di rumah atau kampung mereka sebagai tanda pengucapan syukur kepada semangat padi, yang dipanggil Bambarayon/ Bambaazon/Toguruwon kerana hasil tuaian yang lumayan. Juga sebagai doa kepada pencipta iaitu Kinoingan/ Kinorohingan supaya memberikan tuaian yang lebih lumayan lagi pada tahun hadapan. Dikatakan bermula dari masa bulan penuh (Sawang) pertama selepas menuai, pesta Kaamatan biasanya berlangsung selama dua hingga tiga hari. Untuk memahami lebih mendalam tentang Kaamatan perlulah mengetahui aktiviti penanaman padi yang sangat terikat kepada kepercayaan keagamaan.

Berdasarkan kepad sejarah, penanaman padi adalah cara kehidupan masyarakat Kadazandusun. Penanaman padi adalah khususnya memenuhi keperluan keluarga dan kewajipan spiritual/ rohaniah dan bukan untuk dijual. Pada umumnya, sepanjang musim penghasilan padi termasuk perayaan pesta Kaamatan, penduduk di kampung mengamalkan mitabang (gotong-royong). Amalan ini menunjukkan semangat kerjasama di kalangan penduduk kampung dalam menghasilkan padi. Bermula dari kegiatan membersihkan ladang/ sawah seterusnya kegaitan penanaman, pemeliharaan serta penuaian hinggalah penghasilan beras, penduduk kampung sentiasa berkerjasama dalam satu pasukan menjalankan kerja secara bergilir-gilir dan bersistematik. Satu setiap keluarga mengetahui giliran dan tugasan masing-masing untuk kepentingan bersama.

Upacara ritual dilakukan hampir setiap hari, secara bergilir. Semasa upacara ini dilakukan, tuan punya rumah akan menyediakan pelbagai sajian untuk penduduk kampung yang sama-sama melakukan tugasan pada hari berkenaan dan mereka turut membawa sajian seperti tapai- minuman tradisional yang terkenal dikalangan masyarakat Kkadazandusun; untuk meringankan beban tuan rumah dalam penyediaan sajian. Perhimpunan upacara ritual yang diadakan hampir setiap hari itu dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan serta meneguhkan perkongsian kewajipan mereka dalam penghasilan padi untuk keperluan sendiri dan untuk keperluan rohaniah. Penanaman padi dikalangan Kadazandusun penuh dengan unsur spiritual/rohaniah kerana mereka percaya padi mempunyai semangat dan harus diperlakukan dengan penuh hormat.

Semasa perayaan pesta Kaamatan, pemilihan Unduk Ngadau menjadi salah satu acara kemuncak perayaan. Unduk Ngadau atau Tundukbermaksud pucuk atau daun muda tumbuhan, sementara Ngadau atau Tadau bermaksud matahari di waktu tengah hari. Kedua-dua, Unduk Ngadau, bermaksud matahari dalam keadaannya paling terang, melambangkan keremajaan yang sedang mekar, dengan kecantikan menggambarkan keadaan fizikal yang baik, dimana kualiti-kuliti kekuatan, kecantikan, bersemangat dan kasih sayang berada pada puncaknya. Apabila nilai ini diterjemah kepada Unduk Ngadau, yang dipilih semasa pesta Kaamatan, wanita remaja yang dipilih sebagai Unduk Ngadau dari antara wanita-wanita jelita dikenalpasti sebagai mempunyai nilai yang lebih tinggi dan erti yang lebih mendalam, bukan setakat penampilan fizikalnya.

Give chance to locals in interior of Sabah to become teachers

29th May, 2011 (Sources:Newsabahtimes)

TENOM: Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Radin Malleh has appealed to the Education Ministry to immediately review and relook at the decisions of the interviewers during an open interview for the teaching profession, meant for the locals in Nabawan and Kemabong in the interior of Sabah, on May 7.

He said this was because many parents and students felt that the interviews were not conducted according to the intended target.

“The main objective of the interview is to give opportunity to locals in the interior of Sabah, especially in Nabawan and Kemabong, to become teachers,” he told Bernama.

However, he added that candidates from outside the interior districts had also been taken in, depriving the locals of the opportunity to become teachers.

Radin, who is Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) vice-president, said he was made to understand that initially the target groups for the intake were locals in the interior who achieved six credits including in Bahasa Melayu and History in SPM, and active in co-curriculum activities.

“Scoring ‘A’ (credit) is not compulsory for the interior students of Nabawan and Kemabong. The interviewers came all the way from Putrajaya; they didn’t know who these candidates were, so they just picked at random and the qualifications applied were the normal one, for example, 4As for male candidates and 5As for female, thus depriving the locals in the area,” he said.

Radin said what was saddening was the fact that local education officers were not being involved at all in the intake process.

“Hence the main objective to give opportunity to the locals is defeated. This is not fair to the locals in Nabawan and Kemabong,” he said.

If these things go on, he said, the locals would be forever deprived of the opportunity to become teachers.

“That’s why the parents want the decisions be reviewed so that the locals are given the chance to realise their dreams.”

Radin said that schools in the interior including in Nabawan and Kemabong were still lacking in many aspects including infrastructure and information technology facilities.

These should be taken into account in the intake of teachers through open interview, he added.


Musa (4th left) joined by Faridah (3rd left), Dr Yee (3rd right), 
Edward (right), Khoo (2nd right), Sari Nuar (centre) 
and Agnes (2nd left) in cutting the cake in conjunction

29th May, 2011 (Source:Newsabahtimes)
KOTA KINABALU: The government is committed to the advancement of women and this is evident in many of its policies over the last two decades.

For example, in 1985 Malaysia formulated the National Policy on Women as a guide for women’s participation in the development process and this has helped in enhancing quality of life through education and poverty eradication.

And, today, the federal Ministry of Women and Family Development has been given a mandate to address issues affecting women and to uplift their stature.

This and other steps appear to have made a difference. The Malaysian Gender Gap Index, jointly developed by the United Nations Development Programme and the Malaysian government, revealed that the country’s gender gap narrowed from 0.34 (with 1 being the highest) in 1980, to 0.24 in 2004.

“We have been serious about creating equal opportunities for every Malaysian in contributing their talents and experiences to challenges facing our country,” Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said in his speech at the 100th year anniversary of the International Women’s Day and Parents Day Night here last night.

Currently women make up 47 per cent of the Malaysian workforce, as compared to 30.8 per cent in 2000. Unfortunately, in the employment sector, women are still often paid less compared to men for similar jobs, and this contributes to the fact that poverty among female-led households is still rampant.

Musa who is also Finance Minister said while there is a relative balance between the number of males and females in our population, women make up an average of only 14 per cent of major decision makers in Malaysia’s public and private sectors.

“With such glaring statistics, I assure you that the government will continue to support greater gender equality in the country, by providing a healthy environment for the advancement of women in both national and international arenas,” he added.

By 2015, he said, the government hopes the number of women in the workforce would increase to 55 per cent.

Better access to higher learning is helping to empower a larger percentage of females, and more are seen moving into higher-paying jobs.

“This comes with the need to balance both work and family responsibilities. Flexible working hours is one of several issues discussed at Strategic Reforms Initiatives laboratories, aimed at encouraging more women to take part in the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP).

“And, while in some countries women are still looked upon as second-class citizens, I am glad that in Malaysia, this is not the case.

It is fitting that we take the opportunity to celebrate the countless achievements of women in Malaysia. In today’s world, women are considered co-developers of a nation and achieving gender equality is necessary in the social, economic and political spheres.

“I say this not because I am a man addressing a sea of very enthusiastic women, and realise that I am quite out-numbered tonight. But, rather I say this from my years of observations working and dealing with women from all aspects of my life as a leader, a politician, a husband and as a father.

“Your role in nation building and your increasing participation in government and politics will positively help shape the course that Malaysia takes,” the Chief Minister said.

Musa also hoped to see increased representation of women from Sabah in business as they have proven to be good money managers and are generally better at repaying loans, hence making them successful when they venture into business.

Worldwide, he said women are also responsible for 70 per cent of business start-ups.

And, in the area of politics and government, he said there are a lot of very energetic and capable women out there.

“In Sabah, the women are just as able and have demonstrated their ability to play a leading role. We have a number of women elected representatives and women holding senior government posts and even a full woman minister,” he said.

Musa added that he is also happy to note there are successful business women in the fields of property, hospitality, wellness and pharmacetical.

“It should also be noted that a number of women have taken leading role in NGOs, professional and charitable organisations. These achievements are a reflection of how much women have progressed and the state government’s endorsement of their contribution to society at large.

“It is safe to say that we should not misjudge the power of women in whatever they pursue. Women, not only are good financial managers, but they also have tremendous organisation skills and acute powers of persuasion.

“Their innate multitasking talents demand respect. I would like to take this opportunity to call on women-led organisations to also play a greater role in society by reaching out to those in rural areas who may need guidance in becoming effective players in the mainstream of development.

“And, I hope you will also offer help to women and children who fall victim to domestic abuse and other forms of violence, including the trafficking of persons.” Musa added.

Meanwhile, he also expressed the hope that mothers and parents in general would continue to inculcate good values in their children, and guide them to become well-rounded and educated citizens.

“Mothers do a good job of instilling positive traits such as hard work, honesty and the importance of respecting fellow citizens in our multi-racial nation. It is my hope that as mothers you will also impart the values of respecting the elderly and empathy for the less fortunate.

“Having said this, I am also confident that women will continue to help enhance unity in the nation,” he said.

The Chief Minister also congratulated the Women’s Bureau of the Federation of Sabah Chinese Association (FSCA) under its chairperson Datuk Agnes Shim for organising this event.

And last night, Musa also announced that as a show of support, the state government would gladly allocate RM100, 000 to sponsor this event.

Also present last night were the Chief Minister’s wife Datin Seri Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin, Resource Development and IT Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai, Assistant Ministers Datuk Edward Yong and Datuk Edward Khoo, FSCA president Datuk Sari Nuar and Agnes.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Local teachers' problems are neglected

(Sources: SAPP official website)

SAPP worries 80,000 Peninsula teachers coming here and Sarawak.
KOTA KINABALU, 27 May 2011: - Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) felt that the Education Ministry's plan to transfer 80,000 Peninsula teachers to Sabah and Sarawak is worrying.

SAPP Deputy President Datuk Eric Majimbun said it is a saddening scenario when tenth of thousands young Sabahans holding Degrees, STPM and SPM certificates are jobless.

"Those young locals were not even given consideration when they applied for place at teachers training colleges either within or outside the," Eric who is also Sepanggar Member of Parliament said in a statement, here, today.

He was commenting on the Ministry's plan which, was made public recently and were totally rejected by either one of the ruling coalition party member as well as the opposition parties.

On the State Education Department's statement that more than 20 per cent of the teachers placed all over Sabah are outsiders, Eric said the real figure could be higher.

Read more>>

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Tourism, Culture and Environment Ministry wants to promote Sabah’s third highest peak

(source: TheBorneoPost)
by Jenne Lajiun. Posted on May 25, 2011, Wednesday

KOTA KINABALU: Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun said that Kinabalu Park is not the only spot offering the best view of Mount Kinabalu.

Equally impressive sights of the highest mountain in South East Asia can be seen from Tamparuli, Ranau, Kota Belud and Tuaran.

He said this at the EAC photography competition prize giving ceremony held at the State Library near here yesterday.

According to Masidi, only 192 people are allowed to climb up the mountain daily to avoid overcrowding and to protect the heritage site.

To avoid disappointing those eager to experience the mountain, he urged the introduction of packages which allow visitors to explore the foot of Mount Kinabalu.

His ministry, through the Sabah Parks, hopes to divert visitors eager to ascend the highest peak in Sabah to other places within Sabah that offer equally remarkable sightings and experiences of the mountain.

Masidi explained that this was something new and should be explored by those in the relevant industry.

“Climbing Mount Kinabalu is a day’s experience, but exploring the foot of the mountain will take five to six days, and will bring the visitors to several villages,” he said.

At the same time, the ministry wants to promote Mount Tambuyukon, Sabah’s third highest peak, which is also sited within the Ranau district.

Masidi added that they hope to create interest among climbers to scale up Mount Tambuyukon aside from concentrating on Mount Kinabalu alone.

More articles about Mt.Tambuyukon Part1>>  and
Mt.Tambuyukon Part2>>

SAPP 14-point memo on 'Mother of all Threats'

(Source: SAPP official website articles May 24,2011)

PAPAR: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has submitted a 14-point memorandum on the illegal immigrant issue in Sabah entitled "Mother of All Threats" to the Barisan Nasional (BN) government but it has never been acknowledged.

President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee said that the memorandum containing among others proposals on how to better manage the long withstanding problem affecting Sabah was submitted even when SAPP was still in the BN.

Speaking at the SAPP South Zone Pesta Kaamatan in Kampung Kalatuan, Kimanis near here Sunday, he said SAPP had submitted the memorandum just after the 1999 General Election.

Among the points included proposals to manage the maritime monitoring and requiring foreigners arriving using ferry from neighbouring countries to put up a RM500 bond that would be forfeited if they failed to return using the ferry.

Continue more reading>>

(Source:courtesy of Video by SabahTVNet and SAPP)

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Onuan Sabah kotumbazaan mangazu kaamatan nazatan Kabangsaan

Onuan Sabah kotumbazaan mangazu kaamatan nazatan Kabangsaan: Pairin

(NewSabahTimes in Kadazan Dusun 24th May, 2011)

KENINGAU: Kopolintaan Hongkod hobi vinasi dino manaak kotumbazaan kumaa kopolintaan Sabah montok mangazu kalamazan Lamai Kaamatan nazatan Kabangsaan, ka di Kumoduvo Vozoon Montili Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

Minoboos isido kinahantazan pongozuvan Lamai Kaamatan id potitikid kohimpupuson kalamazxan i lamazon ontok ko 30 om 31 Vuhan Kohimo potitikid toun mositi poinsavaton miampai onuan ningkokoton sabaagi Lamai Kaamatan nazatan nasional.

“Monongkotohuod tokou kumaa Kopolintaan Malaysia tu minanaak ningkokoton Lamai Kaamatan sabaagi kalamazan nasional, om naazu impiipio no id Hamin Poingukab Lamai Kaamatan kabangsaan, nga ino nopo nga naazu nopo id lamai misuvai,” ka disido ontok minamason id Lamai Kaamatan nazatan uvang Keningau id Arked kakadazan Keningau.

Pairin, i nogi Huguan Siou (buuan takavas mogiigizon Kadazan Dusun om Murut), minonoimo tavasi atag Speaker Dewan Koundangan Pogun Sabah Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said Keruak mooi kopolintaan Hongkod manaak ningkokoton Lamai Kaamatan nazatan pogun i maan lamazo ontok 31 Vuhan Kohimo potitikid toun, sabaagi kalamazan nazatan kabangsaan.

“Atag dotokou nopo nga mooi abaabazan hamin poingukab (kabangsaan) dino ozuvon id timpu di miaga miampai koponoimaan di kivaa no haid babaino diti i ozuvon do kopolintaan pogun ontok ko 30 om 31 Vuhan Kohimo potitikid toun,” ka disido.

Pairin, i nogi Polosiden Koisaan Koubasanan Kadazan Dusun (KDCA), mangatag mooi koponoimaan kagazat kalamazan Lamai Kaamatan ontok ko 31 Vuhan Kohimo id nombo abaabazan ponutuban todoon sondii di Yang Dipertua Negeri Sabah poinsavaton sabaagi do kalamazan nazatan di hobi kinavas.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Pesta Keaamatan, Kota Marudu

(Sources:DR.Maximus Ongkili's Blog Post)

KOTA MARUDU (MAY 22, 2011) : Cultural identity is central to the celebration of 1Malaysia, said Science, Technology and Innovation Minister and Parti Bersatu Sabah deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Maximus ongkili in his Pesta Kaamatan message.

Thus, he said, mutual respect, preservation and appreciation of the various cultures practised by the communities in Malaysia were pertinent in maintaining unity in the country.

Dr Ongkili, who is also Kota Marudu MP, said that every community must love, preserve and develop their own cultures while also respecting and appreciating other cultures.

“There must be mutual appreciation of each other’s ethnic background, religious beliefs and language or dialects so that we can truly celebrate the practice of 1Malaysia,” he said when launching the Kota Marudu district Kaamatan Festival at the Community Hall here.

He also said that the role of cultural associations was recognised in preserving and developing cultures.

Read More>>

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Reject extremism politics

(Source:SAPP official website Saturday,May 21 2011)

INANAM : Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee urged party members and the people of Sabah to reject the culture of extremism politics, violence, racial and using religion as a tool for political gain from Peninsular into Sabah.

He said that such political culture in Sabah had never existed despite having changed several state governments since the formation of Malaysia.

Speaking at the SAPP KK Zone Pesta Kaamatan celebration in Kampung Kokol here Saturday, Yong said such attempt to bring the negative political culture into East Malaysia was evident during the recently concluded Sarawak State Election.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Azizah wants international conference opportunities for Sabah women latest

Posted on May 20, 2011, Friday

(Source: TheBorneoPost)

KOTA KINABALU: State Minister for Social Development and Consumer Affairs Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun wants Sabah women in the civil service, non-governmental organisations and politics to be given opportunities to attend international conferences.

During her visit to the United Nations in February, she observed that Sabah women were practically unrepresented.

“We need to have international exposure in order to progress. To achieve that, we must start at the state and national levels. The ministry will encourage them to participate regionally first”, she said after meeting with 50 top women managers and professionals at Wisma Wanita, here, today.

Azizah also urged all new state government buildings to provide nurseries to enable women civil officers to perform better with peace of mind, knowing their children were safe.

Qualified women officers should also be promoted on equal terms with other staff, she addded, as the state’s target of having 30 per cent women decision- makers is still low at 9.2 per cent.

But with commitment from the state leadership, she is confident it can be achieved in the next 10 years or by 2020 at the latest.

All issues raised at the meeting will be documented in a memorandum and presented to the state government soon. – Bernama

SAPP menyokong mendirikan kolej KDM

(source: SAPP official website)

KOTA KINABALU, Mei 21, 2011: Timbalan Presiden Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) Datuk Eric Majimbun menyokong dengan mengalu-alukan syor untuk mendirikan kolej bagi kaum KadazanDusunMurut di Sabah.

"Sememangnya dengan adanya pendidikan tinggi tentu dapat mempertingkatkan bahasa ibunda dan sendirinya akan meneruskan tradisi dan kebudayaan KDM," katanya.

Beliau berkata SAPP juga mencadang agar institusi dapat di perkembangkan untuk mempastikan undang-undang adat istiadat khasnya bagi anak negeri Sabah diperkukukan.

"Tentunya dengan perkembangan ini sistem Mahkamah Anak Negeri dapat diiktiraf setaraf dengan Mahkamah Sivil dan Mahkamah Syariah.

"Kerajaan persekutuan seharusnya memberi sokongan serta kelulusan kedudukan institusi pengajian tinggi ini demi untuk memertabatkan setiap kaum bangsa Malaysia.

Friday, 20 May 2011

KDCA lauds suggestion to list Kaamatan Fest as national celebration

(Source:TheBorneoPost- Posted on May 19, 2011, Thursday)

KOTA KINABALU: The Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) has welcomed State Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said Keruak’s suggestion that the federal government should recognise the state-level Kaamatan Festival, observed annually on May 31, as a national-level celebration.

Deputy President Datuk Dr Clarence Bongkos Malakun said the move would allow the celebration to be organised on a larger scale.

“In the past, we had to rely heavily on sponsorships from corporate companies every year to make this event a success, since the state government could only give us a limited allocation.

“If it is elevated to a national celebration, then we hope we will get a higher allocation,” he told reporters after signing a sponsorship agreement with DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd for the Kaamatan Festival, near here, yesterday.

On Sunday, Salleh said that a national-level Kaamatan Festival would be in line with the government’s goals under the 1Malaysia concept, which aims for unity within a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural society.

Malakun, who is also the chairman of the Kaamatan Festival Coordinating Committee, said the Tourism Ministry and the Information Communication and Culture Ministry could play large roles in organising the festival given that it was one of Sabah’s biggest tourist attractions, and promoted the cultures and traditions of the Kadazandusun and Murut.

He also said that KDCA would be flexible in considering a shift from the traditional Hongkod Koisaan venue in Penampang, near here, to a larger venue, like the Kota Kinabalu Sports Complex, to accommodate an increasing crowd.

However, he hoped that the government would consider expanding the Hongkod Koisaan to maintain the cultural significance that the Kaamatan Festival had long been associated with.

Regarding Digi’s sponsorship, Sabah Regional Head Ng Chak Khin said it was the company’s third consecutive year of involvement in the annual festival, adding that Digi had a long-term commitment to support the people of Sabah during one of their most important festivals.

He also announced that Digi would give away 40 smartphones in a lucky draw from May 29 to 31 at the Hongkod Koisaan. — Bernama

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

WikiSabah: Villages: No to Tambatuon Dam!

WikiSabah: Villages: No to Tambatuon Dam!: "Gloom, anger mars Kaamatan celebrations KOTA BELUD: At the foothills of the majestic Mount Kinabalu, quiet gloom sits on scenic Kampung Ta..."

WikiSabah: Sabah Land Grabs

WikiSabah: Sabah Land Grabs: "Corporate greed strikes again,villagers evicted A well-connected company has destroyed their crops and forced villagers from their ancestr..."

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Sabah CM told users to be cautious accessing news online

Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman advised Internet users tonight to be cautious when accessing news.
He said that some portals and blogs did not give the true picture and used the Internet as a platform to instigate hatred among the people against leaders and the nation.
“This is something that I am deeply concerned about and I hope bloggers and online portal providers will be more responsible in their reporting of issues,” Musa said at the presentation of the Kinabalu Shell Press Awards here.


Patients, doctors unhappy with poor medical and health services

Patients, doctors unhappy with poor medical and health services-DAP
Posted on May 15, 2011, Sunday
KOTA KINABALU: DAP Sabah has received many complaints about the services rendered by the Health Ministry to Sabahans in terms of medicinal quality, supplies and equipment.

DAP Sabah assistant secretary Junz Wong said that both the patients and doctors are unhappy and frustrated with the state of affairs in the medical and health services.

He added that Sabahans are the most unlucky citizens in Malaysia because the good drugs are not available to treat the sick.

According to Junz, for many years Sabah has only one radiotherapy machine for the whole state.

Last time before SMC Hospital was bought over by government, the hospital rented the machine.

Now after taking over the SMC hospital, the government is still renting it.

Junz, who is also DAP Sabah Kota Kinabalu Youth chief, said Sabah is short changed as far as the health services are concerned.


PENJELASAN...Jamawi (tengah) ketika diberikan penjelasan oleh anggota keluarga mendiang bagaimana kejadian tersebut semasa beliau melawat mangsa yang dibedah siasat di Hospital Daerah Tenom.

Sunday, 15 May 2011 11:37
PERGERAKAN Pemuda UMNO Tenom akan menghantar nota bantahan dan menggesa Jabatan Keretapi Negeri Sabah (JKNS) meningkatkan langkah keselamatan bagi menjaga harta benda dan jiwa para penggunanya yang semakin terancam akibat kecuaian pengendali tunggal keretapi di Sabah.

Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Tenom, Jamawi Jaafar berkata, pihaknya sudah beberapa kali menegur JKNS untuk menaiktaraf gerabak, landasan dan mengadakan lebih banyak pagar keselamatan, namun JKNS masih gagal mematuhi piawaian yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pengangkutan Malaysia.

“Tahap keselamatan pengguna dan orang awam begitu membimbangkan disebabkan mutu kawalan keselamatan berada pada tahap paling minima sehingga kecuaian mereka meragut jiwa seorang anggota kami,” kata jamawi dengan nada kesal dan berjanji akan menghantar nota bantahan kepada JKNS dalam kadar segera.

Jamawi berharap Jabatan Keretapi Negeri Sabah dapat melakukan siasatan rapi bagi mempastikan bagaimana kejadian tersebut boleh berlaku dan membantu keluarga mangsa, terutama menyelesaikan tuntutan insuran yang wajib dibayar kepada pihak ketiga (waris mangsa).

Dalam kejadian malam jumaat lalu, kata Jamawi, seorang anggota Pergerakan Pemuda Umno cawangan Pangie, Tenom, Andamas Ahumba mati digilis kereta api dalam satu kejadian di kampung Pangie.

Difahamkan kereta api tersebut dalam perjalanan dari Tenom ke Beaufort dan mangsa mati di tempat kejadian.

Sebaik sahaja dimaklumkan tentang kejadian tersebut, Jamawi terus bergegas ke Hospital Daerah Tenom untuk melawat jenazah mangsa yang di bawa ke Hospital Daerah Tenom untuk proses besah siasat.

“Mendiang merupakan salah seorang anggota Pergerakan Pemuda Umno cawangan yang aktif, komited dan sering memberikan kerjasama serta sokongan terhadap aktiviti-aktiviti yang dianjurkan oleh Pemuda baik di peringkat cawangan mahupun di peringkat bahagian. Kehilangan beliau amat dirasai,” kata Jamawi sambil menahan sebak kerana mengimbau kenangan pahit manis bersama mendiang.

Kata Jamawi lagi, sesungguhnya Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Tenom merasakan satu kehilangan besar atas kepergian mendiang dan berharap anggota keluarga mendiang bersabar dan tabah menerima dugaan tersebut

(News, 15 May 2011 11:37)



Sunday,15 May 2011

Salleh Syor Pesta Kaamatan Peringkat Negeri Diiktiraf Sebagai Peringkat Nasional
KOTA BELUD: Kerajaan pusat disaran agar mengiktiraf Pesta Kaamatan peringkat negeri pada 31 Mei setiap tahun sebagai peringkat nasional dan tidak perlu menganjurkan Pesta Kaamatan secara berasingan seperti yang berlaku sebelum ini.

Ketika membuat saranan itu, Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak berkata pengiktirafan itu selaras dengan aspirasi kerajaan di bawah konsep 1Malaysia yang mengutamakan perpaduan rakyat pelbagai kaum, agama dan budaya.

Beliau berkata perayaan berasingan -- Pesta Kaamatan peringkat negeri dan kebangsaan -- memperlihatkan suatu keadaan yang tidak 'sehaluan' atau tidak 'sependapat' antara kerajaan negeri dan kerajaan pusat.

"Mungkin ada pihak tertentu yang berasa hairan, kenapa sesuatu perayaan itu harus dirayakan secara berasingan, sedangkan ia boleh dirayakan secara serentak.

"Sebab itu saya mencadangkan agar kerajaan pusat menimbang kemungkinan mengiktiraf Pesta Kaamatan peringkat negeri sebagai perayaan peringkatNasional," katanya ketika berucap merasmikan Pesta Kaamatan peringkat daerah di sini, Ahad.

Salleh, yang juga Presiden Pertubuhan Bajau Bersatu Sabah (USBO) berkata langkah itu juga dapat menjimatkan bajet untuk menganjurkan perayaan itu.

"Sekiranya Pesta Kaamatan peringkat negeri diiktiraf sebagai perayaan kebangsaan atau nasional, ia lebih meriah dan lebih memperlihatkan kesatuan dalam kepelbagaian kaum, sekaligus membantu memacu sektor pelancongan di Sabah," katanya.

Bagaimanapun, Salleh berkata keaslian perayaan Pesta Kaamatan yang sinonim dengan budaya masyarakat Kadazandusun di Sabah perlu dikekalkan terutama daripada segi pengisian program perayaan.

Salleh turut mencadangkan agar kerajaan pusat menyalurkan bantuan kewangan untuk membantu menjayakan penganjuran Pesta Kaamatan di peringkat daerah.

Katanya sokongan seumpama itu penting kerana ia menunjukkan komitmen kerajaan pusat dalam menjaga kepentingan kaum minoriti di negara ini. Beliau juga mahu rakyat pelbagai kaum di Sabah menjadikan Pesta Kaamatan sebagai medan untuk mengeratkan perpaduan.

Salleh berkata walaupun Sabah mempunyai lebih 30 etnik suku kaum, namun mempunyai keunikan budaya, toleransi dan agama yang begitu baik.

"Tidak hairanlah Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sendiri menyifatkan Sabah sebagai 'role model' kepada konsep 1Malaysia yang antara lain mengutamakan perpaduan nasional," katanya. - BERNAMA

(News source:Mstar Sunday,15 May 2011)

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Set up oil refinery in Sabah

by Murib Morpi. Posted on May 14, 2011, Saturday

KOTA KINABALU: An oil refinery is needed in Sabah for the State to truly benefit from the operation of the soon-to-be developed Sabah oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) in Kimanis, said Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS).

PBS vice president Datuk Herbert Timbun Lagadan said Sabah through the Federal Government, should request Petronas to build such a facility in the State, to allow the huge potentials created by the industry to be fully tapped by local companies and the people.

Lagadan when making the call yesterday, said as a ‘fixed deposit’ state, Sabah has the merit to ask for the refinery plant to be set up here for processing oil and gas extracted from its own soil.

In addition, the State should be equipped with an oil refinery based on the fact that it is a major oil producer of the country, he added.

“Why can’t Sabah have its own oil refinery when Sarawak has its own? Since Sabah is a fixed deposit state for the BN government and a major oil producer of oil and gas, then surely we possess the merit to ask for the facility to be built here,” he said.

According to him, Sabahans find it hard to swallow the reasons given by the central government that gas from the State is be siphoned to the terminal in Bintulu, Sarawak to save cost.

He said the decision not to allow Sabah to have its own oil refinery could be viewed as an attempt to sideline Sabahans from participating in the mega oil and gas industry, by piping the State’s natural resources out to another state.

The lack of opportunities in the State for the people to directly and actively participate in the development of the oil and gas industry has been the source of discontent among local leaders in Sabah, both from within BN and the opposition alike.

Apart from PBS, United Pasok Momogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) was also unhappy with the Federal Government’s decision to give Petronas the go-ahead to build the gas pipeline to send gas to Bintulu.

The party’s president, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, had said that Sabahans have been dispirited by the current situation where the SOGT project was seen as not beneficial to Sabahans except for the landowners involved.

He pointed out that although Sabah is an oil and gas producing state, there is no related activity whatsoever to suggest that. There is no refinery, no university and no petro-chemical or other related industries in the State.

Dissatisfaction has brewed up from among State Umno leaders too, with Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah Aman taking Petronas to task on the poor participation from among local companies in the State’s oil and gas industry.

The Kimanis member of parliament firmly told Petronas to ensure more locals could benefit from the industry or their presence in the State shall be limited and controlled.

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) had also joined the chorous, rejecting the idea of piping gas from Kimanis to Bintulu as ‘ironic and unnecessary’.

Its president, former chief minister Datuk Yong Teck Lee, said the State should not send gas to Sarawak only to buy it back for fuelling the power plants needed to address its electricity woes.

Natural gas to be landed at Kimanis will be piped through a RM1.6 billion 500km pipeline to Petronas’s LNG complex in Bintulu.

The complex, with a production capacity of 25 million tonnes per annum, is one of the biggest of its kind in the world and exports LNG to three lucrative markets, namely Japan, South Korea and China.

With Sabah in need of the product to run its power plants, there were concern that the State may have to compete with these international buyers, who are able to offer much higher prices.

(News sources:The Borneo Post)


Friday, 13 May 2011

School to examine milk before distributing to pupils

by Christy Chok. Posted on May 13, 2011, Friday

TAWAU: Teachers of a primary school at Pasir Putih here will examine all milk supplied to them to determine the expiry date before distributing them to the pupils.

Assistant headmistress Madam Lim said they would discard milk that had expired, including those near their expiry date, adding that milk that had about seven days’ shelf life would be distributed immediately and sometimes they gave away several packets of milk to the each pupil.

“We hope the pupils could drink the milk before the expiry date. As we know, the milk sold in the market has a short shelf life and cannot be kept for two years,” she said, yesterday.

According to her, distributors should understand the situation and should never distribute milk that are near their expiry date.

Lim said it was a waste to throw away the milk, adding that no report of ill health caused by milk had been reported so far.

She also disclosed that many schools here, including her school, had received smaller sized school uniforms and shoes from Yayasan Sabah. The schools would just distribute the uniforms and shoes to the pupils but they could not wear them.

Lim was responding to the call from the Tawau Municipal Council (TMC) to the Education Department to monitor the dry food and milk supplied to schools in the district and take stern action against suppliers if the products sold to students are found to be close to expiry.

TMC president Ismail Mayakob said they had received complaints from parents about food and milk products sold to students were near expiry date.

A headmistress from another primary school in town, who declined to be named, said her school does not face such a problem. She said this situation normally occurred in the rural schools.

The Tawau Education Department could not comment on this matter as they have no authority to do so except the Sabah education director.

(News sources:The Borneo Post )


MP calls for liberalisation of market for sugar

Posted on May 13, 2011, Friday

TAWAU: Member of parliament Datuk Chua Soon Bui has called for a liberalisation of the market for sugar in order to create a healthy competition and to reduce government subsidy on the commodity.

She said the recent hike in the price of suger has put the country’s sugar price on par with Thailand although Thailand does not subsidise as much as Malaysia does.

The subsidy for sugar borne by the Malaysian government is about RM166 million per year.

“Comparison on the price of sugar with those of the neigbouring countries, we are now on equal par with Thailand at RM2.30 per kg but apparently Thailand does not subsidise as much as Malaysia does.

“I urge the government to explain to the people why Malaysia is subsidising so much on sugar as compared to Thailand based on the market sale price of RM2.30 per kg,” she said.

Chua said it was time for the government to consider opening up the sugar market in the country to a few more companies rather than it being monopolised by one company.

“The competition will be a healthier way to reduce government spending on subsidy for the consumers,” she said yesterday.

Chua said she was surprised by the recent hike in the price of sugar by another 20 sen per kilogram.

The last increase of 20 sen per kilogram was made in December last year meaning that the price of sugar had increased by 40 sen per kilogram or equivalent to 20 per cent increase within a period of six months.

“With the 10 per cent increase this time, it will have a snowball effect on sugar-related value-added products like drinks and food.

“Many of these consumer products are not price controlled. It is important for the ministry to monitor the market prices of the sugar-related products because of the newly implemented anti-profiteering bills so that consumers are spared the brunt of government policies,” she said.

She also added that the government must seek a balanced policy to ensure that the people are not burdened by the increase in the prices of any commodity.

(News sources:The Borneo Post )


Monday, 9 May 2011

Sabah has immigration powers

WikiSabah: ‘Sabah has immigration powers’: "The state BN government can act on its own to deal with immigration issue, says former PKR vice-president Jeffrey Kitingan. KOTA KINABALU..."